About the author.

The author spent his formative years watching monster movies on the big screen; “The Blob”, “The Spider”, “Them”, “The Monster That Challenged The World”, some of the scariest movies ever made. At least they were the scariest to an impressionable kid back in the 50’s and 60’s.
As an adult, the author worked for an international food company and lived and worked in Singapore, Venezuela, Australia, Ecuador and China. He now lives and writes in Bangkok, Thailand with time off to sail his 36 foot sailboat. The author has written four novels, including his first published book, “Terror Beneath The Bayou”, as well as four screenplays. He is currently preparing to publish his next novel, “Betwixt And Between”.
It is the author’s intention to write fiction stories that not only entertain but also educate. As such, he hopes you enjoy his stories while learning something new about human nature and the world around us.
Steven A. Twitty
